
How to Install APK and OBB Files in ZonaRecipes

Definition of APK Files

If you want to install apps from ZonaRecipes, you’ll notice that there are APK and OBB files. In short, APK files is a file format created for Android to install apps.

You won’t usually see the APK files when downloading apps from Google Play Store. But when you download apps from sites like ZonaRecipes, you’ll see that they’re in APK.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to download everything step-by-step! Follow along now.

Easy Steps to Install Apps from ZonaRecipes

  1. The first thing you need to do is to enable your device to install apps from unknown sources. To do this, go to your device “Settings”.
  2. Find the “Additional Settings” tab.
    how to install apk and obb files in gamestoremobi
  3. Go to “Privacy”
  4. Turn on “Unknown Sources” or select “Install Unknown apps” in some devices. Note: If you have a Xiaomi device like mine, you’ll need to manually allow installation of unknown devices on Browser, Chrome or any other browser you use.
    how to install apk and obb files in gamestoremobi
  5. Next, it’s time to download some apps/games from ZonaRecipes! There are a lot of apps/games you can download here. For this tutorial, we’ll download the game Project Makeover.
  6. After the APK file has finished downloading, you should see it in the “Downloads” folder of your browser.
    installing guide gamestoremobi 12
  7. Install it by tapping it. Allow time for it to update and check.
  8. After it has finished installing, tap “Open”.
    how to install apk and obb files in gamestoremobi
  9. Enjoy the game!
    installing guide gamestoremobi

Definition of OBB

Simply put, an OBB is a file that is added to the app that you have downloaded. There are some applications in ZonaRecipes that need them, while others do not.

If you see an OBB file for the game or app you're trying to download, you just need to download it. The following are the steps to take:

  1. First, you should have already downloaded the APK file. See the steps above for details about how to do it. However, keep in mind that you should not open this right away after downloading it.
  2. Next, select the app/game you’ll download from ZonaRecipes and wait for it to install.
    installing guide gamestoremobi
  3. After it has finished downloading, simply tap it to unzip it. To do this, you'll need a ZIP extractor app. If you don't already have one, we suggest downloading the RAR app from the Google Play Store.
    installing guide gamestoremobi
  4. After successfully unzipping the app, you’ll then need to copy the folder here /SDCARD/Android/obb folder.
    installing guide gamestoremobi 1
    installing guide gamestoremobi 4
  5. Open the game!

Common Problems and their Fixes

“App not installed” error

If you get this error while trying to install the app, it may be for several reasons. First, check that this is the only version of the app on your phone. You may have already installed an older version of the app back then so uninstall it first.

Then, if the problem is still there, you may need to turn on the Play Protect feature. Lastly, if the problem is still there, it maybe that your phone doesn’t support this APK file. If all else fails, try to restart your device.

“Download failed because you may not have purchased this app” error

If you get this problem, it means you were downloading an app with an OBB but you forgot the OBB. Then, you just need to download the OBB from ZonaRecipes.

But if you’ve copied the OBB correctly but the problem is still there, you may need to download the original version from Google Play Store first then uninstall it. After that, install the APK/OBB again.

Cara Instal File Mod Apk

  • Pastikan kamu sudah selesai download file apk
  • Buka menu setting atau pengaturan
  • Cari Menu Privasi dan Keamanan dan centang opsi Sumber Tidak Dikenal.
cara instal mod apk
  • Kembali lagi ke File Manager dan cari file apk yang sebelumnya telah di download
  • Klik Install
  • Tunggu sampai selesai
  • Finish